Parts We Make

Fabricating Parts

Repairing and restoring old cars requires the use of many replacement parts in the process. Unfortunately, many parts are unavailable or the ones that are available are of unacceptable quality for the standards that we require. This cruel fact has inspired us to make numerous parts of our own manufacture. Thankfully, with Chris Jones, we have a world class fabricator on staff. Here’s a small sampling of many parts that we make. Browse our complete restoration projects.

Custom MGA Parts

On an MGA, there are 142 fasteners that are painted the same color as the rest of the body. Then there are another 39 fasteners that attach the body to the frame. That’s a lot of fasteners to keep track of–and nothing’s worse than being in the midst of a restoration when you realize that you’ve forgotten to paint one. Here at Sports Car Craftsmen, we’ve come up with a solution to this problem, which combines our obsessive tendencies with our ability to make almost anything out of steel.

Custom MGB Parts

Although nearly every body part is available to repair body damage on an MGB, many are imprecise and require modification to make them usable for a high quality repair. Frequently, we find it better to make our own parts than fix the parts that are sold in the catalogs.

Custom MGT, MG Midget, Austin-Healey Sprite, Jensen Healey Parts

These are some of our parts that we make for these select models, including floor footrest and fuel pump mounts.

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Sports Car Craftsmen