Our Team

Meet The Crew Who Bring The Joy Of British Sports Cars To You.

Paul Dierschow, Owner Of Sports Car Craftsmen

  • Paul has been in the British sports car business since 1973. He has an BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Colorado, Denver. Around the shop, you’ll find him on the phone, digging up parts, on the phone, behind the counter, on the phone, paying bills, or on the phone. He proudly proclaims that every one of those gray hairs is earned, not store bought!


  • Sports Car Craftsmen’s great all-rounder. His red V-8 MGB is a rolling resume – and one you can hear long before you see it.


  • Our newest addition to the Sports Car Craftsmen. Master welder and craftsman, Stuart takes care of all our fabrication, body building, and rust repair.


  • “The Weekender”. David has worked at Sports Car Craftsmen in various capacities over the years. Now our dedicated weekend warrior, he’s become more myth than man.

People Who Make Us Look Good

Gary, Our Media Blaster

  • Gary, our media blaster, performs the most meticulous, thorough blasting jobs with a whole variety of media, from full frames and bodies to parts of all sizes.


Pete At Ridge Reamer

  • Pete at Ridge Reamer does all our machining.

Jay’s Around The Shop So Often

  • Jay’s around the shop so often, many of our customers know him. Jay was with us when we moved shop in 2006, and he headed up the construction crew who got the place ready for us. Without him, we’d probably still be operating out of cardboard boxes.

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Sports Car Craftsmen